© bOnK: May 25, 1999

Growing Haze.


Difference (1999-5-25)
Q Hi Bonk,

Can I ask a question please?
How do you tell the difference between a male and a female plant? Just wondered.
Great site,

A Hi Sonja,

Let's start with the seedling.

The male plant will grow a little faster, has longer internodes (i.e. the section between two - sets of - leaves), and will look a bit 'slimmer' than the female plant.

After about six to eight sets of leaves, the difference becomes more obvious.
Female plants will develop a 'premature flower' in the joint of stem and branches.
This 'flower' looks like a small tulip with two white hairs sticking out.

Although this is a nice indication, the only thing that will tell you for sure is the flower of the blooming plant.
Male plants will start flowering a few weeks before the females.
The male flower looks a lot like the flowers you'll find at nettles.
They have the looks of a lampion, a little rugby-ball hanging from a string.
Once ripe these flowers will burst open, releasing the yellow coloured pollen to the wind.

Female flowers will grow in groups known to us as buds, each flower has the two hairs sticking out to collect the male pollen.
Once pollinated, one female flower will develop into one seed.

I'll give you a trick to find out fast what you've got.
Make, say three, cuttings from each plant (remember to mark them well) and place these cuttings under an artificial light-source (tube lights work nice) for less than twelve hours a day. The other twelve (or more) hours need to be pitch-dark.
This way you'll fool them in thinking it is autumn and they will start flowering within two or three weeks.
Since you only need these cuttings, or clones, to find out which sex they are, you don't have to bother too much about them.
Just make sure they get enough to drink, without drowning them, and keep them a bit warm.


Posting (1999-5-19)
Q This is not really a question, but since it might be of interrest to you:
A Has anyone tried VHO fluorescents in lieu of HID incandescents?
I use"Actinic" tubes in my reef tank,and they're very blue.
I can't remember whether the yellow end of the spectrum is good for flowering,or the blue.
I'm afraid I don't know what you mean with VHO or Actinic tubes.
Are those the 'blacklight' lamps used in disco's?
Or maybe the tubes used for sunbanks (i.e. getting a tan).
If so; they are sometimes used to get more Ultra Violet light, but always combined wih High Pressure Sodium.
The idea behind this practice is that more UV would produce more THC.
I do not see any advantage in using them.

The blue end of the spectrum is used for growing,
the yellow end for flowering.

Hope this answers your questions


> >
The VHO are Very High Output fluorescents(110 watts/tube)
The main advantage is that they produce only as much heat as a regular fluor.
The saltwater aquarium "community" have made great strides in lighting, trying to keep corals and mollusks healthy.
I was thinking about using an old 225 liter fish tank for a "sea of green" setup.
I don't want to generate commercial volumes,and the ability to trap CO2 in a closed space would greatly boost yield (again,on a small scale).
Anyway,I'll post an evaluation after I see how it worked.
I will use 3 or 4 tubes,~ 400 watts of lighting,with tubes designed to emit different spectra, @ different phases of growth.

Armature (1999-5-19)
Q Okay, I know what lights to get. I know where to get them.
I have everything else that I should need to start growing my own herb.
The question I have not been able to answer through my hours of research (literally) goes like this.
I have the 400 watt sodium bulb.
Now I'm no electrician, but its not hard to see that the end of the bulb will not fit in just any old lamp.
When I went back to where I bought the bulb, they told me that the only things they have that would fit that bulb are for outdoor use, not to mention they're 80 to $180 a piece.
Call me crazy but I could just go ahead and buy enough weed to last me a good while with that money.
I plan on growing it in my closet which is 4x8.
Could you please put me on to what I seem to be missing, it would be GREATLY appreciated.
A Hello,

Well, I won't call you crazy but I think the thing you missed is the following:
Someone has to grow the weed you smoke and today most weed is grown indoors, as in: under lamps.
If those persons would get less money for their product than the investment they had to make to produce it, the laws of economics tells us they would not go on very long.
I know for myself I'm not a wonder in economics, but if buying (the same quality) would be cheaper than growing it myself ... (oke, I am Dutch of course ;-)
HPS bulbs need special armatures to burn because they need a high voltage to start up. Also the reflector is of great importance.
The price of $ 80 to $ 180 a piece might sound expensive but you could grow about 100 grams per month (depending on the plant you use) under one lamp. To be honest, the lamps I like to use best cost even more (Hfl 425,- which is about $200).

One thing is bothering me though, the fact that they told you the lamps are for outdoor use. This might be of no importance and maybe you could use this armature, but take care you get a HIGH Pressure Sodium. Sometimes LOW Pressure Sodiums are used outdoors because they generate more light per Watt. This sounds nice, but the light produced is monochromatic, which means it's only light of one color of the spectrum, and this color is of little or no use to your plants. (I'm told LPS s not used very much in the USA because it makes people look like zombies, so maybe there's no problem here).

To resume the above:
You need High Pressure Sodium bulb, try to get Philips Son-T+.
A special armature for this bulb is needed, maybe you should try a store where they sell agricultural supplies (for greenhouses).

Hope this answers your question.





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